Turkish fir

Abies bornmuerlleriana

The Turkish fir is very similar to the Nordmann fir, with upward-facing deep green needles and dense branches forming to the ground. New growth is a vibrant lime colour, making for an interesting two-tone colour range in spring and summer. The tree has a wonderful but mild fragrance and very good needle retention and colour stay after cutting. 

Fresh cut attributes of a Turkish fir
Origins of the Turkish Fir - Spruced

Origin and climate

The Turkish fir originates from areas in northern turkey, in the mountainous area of the Black Sea.



Height: Mature trees can grow over 15 meters. On average it takes 7 years to grow a Turkish fir into a 7 ft Christmas tree.

Ideal Growth Conditions: Turkish firs in the garden or field are best planted in full/ partial sun, acidic well-drained soil. The Turkish fir is more tolerant to warmer climates then its close relatives. With an early bud break in the spring, new buds can be susceptible in areas with late frosts.

Attributes: Conical structure with branches to the ground. Mature needles with a silver underside and deep green topside. Young buds and needle growth are light green in colour. Cylindrical cones around 15 cm long, with thick scales.


Tending and care

A versatile and aesthetic tree for warmer climates. Best planted in winter to reduce transplant stress.

Uses: Ornamental for gardens, tree lines and wind breaks, fresh-cut Christmas trees.

Fresh-cut tree care: Treat your fresh cut tree like you would fresh cut flowers, when you first arrive home, recut the base of the tree and place it in clean water. Check the water level daily, ensuring the stem is fully submerged. Want to give your tree some extra TLC? Spritz with water daily to help keep it fresh for several weeks.